Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back to the water


My first full week of "training" after Mt Washington featured a return to the water of Heart Pond. Chelmsford did a great job removing the weeds, and it certainly makes the experience a lot loss creepy when you aren't stepping thru 20 feet of weeds. I am unsure whether I should take time off since hammy is still not right or just do what I'm doing....I chose the latter.

Sun: 20 min water run
Mon: 30 min water run with DD
Tue: 30 min water run and 10 min road run
Wed: 30 min water run and 10 min road run
Thu: 10 min run
Fri: 10 min run
Sat: 30 min water run and 10 min road run (both with DD)

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