Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week ending May 29, 2010

35 miles

1 day off

Supplemental work: 22 mins stationary bike, 30 mins UBE.

Long run 63 minutes

Last 10 weeks' mileage (most recent first):

35, 36, 35, 12, 40, 43, 38, 38, 43, 32

On Monday, my day off from running, I went on stationary bike and had two hammy twinges in 22 minutes. Stopped. Rest of week was slow mileage. Saturday I had another twinge at a blistering 9 min per mile pace. Going to rest for a few days.

Next race: My 23rd Mt. Washington.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week ending May 22, 2010

36 miles

1 day off

Supplemental work: 2 hours stationary bike.

Long run 60 minutes

Last 10 weeks' mileage (most recent first):

36, 35, 12, 40, 43, 38, 38, 43, 32, 26

Hammy a bit more sore towards end of the week. Taking it slow. All mileage has been at "Burdett Slow - BS" - 8:30 to 9:00 pace. Francis Burdett runs some unbelievably fast times with all mileage at about 9:00 pace, but he races a lot and does a ton of miles. Trying to take it easy to get ready for some harder miles for some of Pack. But if I'm sore it'll just be a training run.

Next race: Pack with DD and DaveLa (maybe Joe K). Perhaps last few miles will be at a faster effort.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peterson Boys 2010 Hike #3 - Great Brook Farm State Park

Hike #3 completed a weekend at Great Brook Farm State Park. On Saturday, The Bear 5k took place at Great Brook. On Sunday, we did my favorite trail at GB, Stone Row. What a cool trail! Of course we finished up with ice cream at the farm's ice cream stand. Nice!
Get out there!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week ending May 15, 2010

35 miles

0 days off

Supplemental work: 60 minutes stationary bike and 40 minutes upper body bike.

Long run 45 minutes

Last 10 weeks' mileage (most recent first):

35, 12, 40, 43, 38, 38, 43, 32, 26, 13

Hammy feeling better. Taking it slow.

Next race: May run Pack with DD perhaps last few miles will be at a faster effort.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The 2nd Annual Bear 5k, May 15, 2010


Thanks to all those who helped at the race. We had 80 finishers. Although the final results have not been tallied, interim tallies show that we will be donating about $2000 to the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism.

Thanks to Rose Washak for taking these pictures at the race:

The results are listed at:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week ending May 8, 2010

12 miles

4 days off - hammy a lot worse, resting it

Supplemental work: 80 minutes stationary bike and 75 minutes upper body bike.

Long run 40 minutes

Last 10 weeks' mileage (most recent first):

12, 40, 43, 38, 38, 43, 32, 26, 13, 15

After the May 1st run, my hammy was very sore. I decided to give it a few days rest and ran 40 mins on Tuesday. Run was ok, hammy did not feel that bad but I did have a twinge and it felt worse after. I rested Weds and Thurs and ran an easy 33 mins on Fr and 36 mins on Sat. We'll see.....
Next race: Not going to dignify this with an entry.

Week ending May 1, 2001

40 miles

1 day off - standard for me

Supplemental work: 40 minutes stationary bike and 25 minutes upper body bike.

Long run 68 minutes

Last 10 weeks' mileage (most recent first):

40, 43, 38, 38, 43, 32, 26, 13, 15, 46

Well, I bagged race because of my hammy BUT decided to do a light, easy tempo instead. Only 13 minutes. Bad decision, hammy started to get worse.

Next race: Not going to dignify this with an entry.