Friday, June 24, 2011

24 times up the Rock Pile

My 24th Mt. Washington Road Race went about as expected. 117th man and would have been the 25th woman (if I were a woman). 1:29:37. My 3rd slowest time in 24 tries.

I went through 1/2 way in 42:02. The wheels never really came off the bus like last year although because of the lack of base miles, I slowed at the top. Last year I RAN (not walked) a remarkably slow 13:53 for the last 0.7 miles. This year it was 8:18. My splits: 8:42, 11:00, 11:31, 11:48, 12:48, 12:43, 12:45 and the 8:18.

Since I last blogged, my mileage has been pitiful (left hammy issues). I ran 13 miles, 16 miles and then 20 miles (including the 8 miles on race day). I took 4 days after the MTN and did a very slow 2 miles yesterday, 6-23.

Looking forward to next year!!!! It'll be my 25th time up the rock pile!! Who knows, I may be able to run a sub-1:25 if I can just train adequately.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weeks ending May 21 and May 28, 2011


There is an old saying. "One does does not blog if there is no good news to report", well, it hasn't been great, but it could be worse. First the right hammy and then the left. As I write this on June 1, I'm going to need a few days off to heal up. Same old thing, tendon/hammy behind and on the outside of the left knee is sore. Usually, I need 3 to 4 days off and then, as Arnold says, "I'll be back (just don't tell Maria!)"

Week ending May 21: 23 miles
Week ending May 28: 20 miles

Sun: off
Mon: 20 min run
Tue: 30 min run
Wed: 35 min run
Thu: 40 min run
Fri: 45 min run
Sat: scheduled off day